At first the Titans were confused. “Is it even possible to kill our dad “ they thought.
Most of them were afraid to volunteer. But the youngest of them all stepped forward to accept the challenge.
Kronos was about nine feet tall (which was considered as short from the Titans perspective.)
Kronos even had a nickname. “The crooked one”. Because he always fights dirty in battles. When Kronos saw the weapon he was supposed to kill his father with; his eyes gleamed, he was ready to kill anyone with that kind of a weapon. He understood how much damage it can cause.
Gaia was amazed to see that the youngest child took the challenge to kill their own father.
Kronos’s plan was to kill his father when he was in human form. For that he told his mother to invite the Sky lord (Ouranos) to spend his evening with her. After that he turned to his siblings and asked for four volunteers to help him do the killing. The reward for volunteering will be the four corners of the earth for them to rule over. Many refused the offer because they were afraid to take part in killing the lord of the sky. After some time Koios,Iapetus,Krios and Hyperion finally came forward to help Kronos .

Finally the night came. The night when they’re supposed to kill their father. Amazingly, Ouranos showed up.
Ouranos approached Gaia, as Ouranos was about to sit with Gaia ,the four brothers jumped and caught his arms and legs. Then Kronos appeared from the darkness with the scythe. Ouranos shouted, ordering them to release him. Kronos didn’t hesitate; he lifted his scythe to kill his father. Out of nowhere Ouranos cursed Kronos. “If you kill me you also will be killed by your own children.” Kronos didn’t stop to think about it. Without hesitating he chopped his father to pieces.
Drops of Ichor(blood of gods and titans which was gold in color.) spilled all over the earth. From the droplets of ichor which splattered over the rocks; arose three hissing winged demons called the Furies, the spirits of punishment. They fled into the darkness of Tartarus. From the droplets which were splattered over the fertile soil arose creatures called nymphs and satyrs.
After that night Gaia named Kronos the lord of the universe. Kronos kept his promise and gave his four brothers the four corners of the earth. Iapetus became the titan of the west. Hyperion got the east. Koios the north, and Koris the south.
This is the end of the beginning.Stay tuned for the AGE OF TITANS.
….To be continued….
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