Loki finale explained — With only one episode left of Loki, a lot still has to happen. Episode 5 was one of the show’s best yet, a vehicle that showcased the power of Loki the character and culminated in a spectacular battle in the void.
We know that the Timekeepers were fake and the TVA is a sham, but this raises so many other questions. So much of the MCU hinges upon this final episode, and we can’t wait to see it.
Here are some of our burning questions a week before the end of Loki.
1. Who’s controlling the TVA?
The prevailing theory for some time now has been that Loki will introduce us to Kang the Conqueror, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania‘s big baddie played by Jonathan Majors. Another theory has Miss Minutes behind it all (that mischievous scamp!), while some believe that yet another Loki is pulling the strings — less likely after episode 5’s Loki-fest, but still. And have we fully ruled out Mephisto?
It’s also possible that no one is pulling the strings, and that Ravonna Renslayer is acting entirely on her own…
2. What happens to the “Sacred Timeline” if the TVA is destroyed?

Infinite timelines, infinite Lokis, infinite sequels. Opportunities to weave in more Marvel characters like the Fantastic Four, X-Men, and maybe all those Spider-Man actors who claim they’re not in No Way Home.
Basically, you destroy the TVA and you destroy the rules, letting chaos reign just as Loki would have it. Marvel Phase 4 might look a whole lot more like the comics.
3. Is Renslayer bluffing?

The short answer is yes, but the long answer is she’s only sometimes bluffing about some things. She claims to be as in the dark about who runs the TVA as Sylvie and Hunter B-15, but conversely: She’s suspicious as hell!
This lines up with Kang being the master villain, given his history with Ravonna in the comics. Their relationship even spans timelines, and we have a few of those to spare.
4. Will Mobius ever jet ski?
As long as he doesn’t die, hell yeah!

5.what’s the deal with Loki and Sylvie?
Even the internet, the wayward moral compass of our times, thought Loki being in love with an alternate-timeline version of himself was too damn far. There is something poetic about Loki only being able to love himself, but it’s also shockingly reductive on a show where the protagonist is canonically genderfluid and bisexual to have him go for the pretty blond lady. Marvel and Disney have always been terrible at representing queerness, but we never thought they’d advocate timeline-crossed incest first.
The show itself seems to waver on what to do with this relationship. Tom Hiddleston could have chemistry with an alligator (in fact, he does), so it’s hard to dial down the electricity of Loki/Sylvia scenes. They went on a date at the end of the world, and then Mobius explicitly accused Loki of having a crush. Their moments in episode 5 teeter between platonic and romantic, and not in a fun way. They’ve certainly solidified a trust and friendship, but can we just leave it at that and not share a blanket?
6. Where is Gator Loki’s spinoff?

7.Where is Casey?
Eugene Cordero’s TVA desk worker hasn’t been since episode 2, when Loki poured his soda into Mobius’ salad to prove a point. Bring back Casey and someone explains to him what a fish is!
8. Who are those missing title cards for?
The Loki credits fill up a little more every week, adding in new names as cast members reveal themselves. There are still a few gaps evenly spread throughout the existing names — who will they be?
9. How will Loki affect Phase 4?
By cracking open time and space, you silly goose! Opening up the timelines means dead characters don’t have to stay dead and Marvel actors who left the franchise can come back for guest roles — like Hiddleston himself, lest we forget how we got here. As mentioned previously, the convergence of universes and timelines appears to be central to the next Ant-Man and the Wasp, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man movies — and we don’t even know how Shang-Chi and The Eternals will factor in.