So in the beginning there was nothing.
The first god was Chaos. He didn’t have a physical body, he was just matter drifting around. As the time passes, some of the matter solidifies into earth. Well the earth was basically rocks, ocean, mountains, but the thing is that earth can shape herself into a human form, she called herself Gaia. She took walks on earth(basically on herself).She was satisfied with her beauty. But soon she felt lonely.
So after she felt loneliness, as the myth goes the sky formed which is blue and bright in the daytime and dark and gloomy at night. Like the earth the sky can also form into a physical form. He called himself Ouranos . Ouranos was the perfect solution for Gaias loneliness. After sometime Gaia and Ouranos got married.
Chaos was happy about his creation, soon from the mist particles from Chaos formed into the ocean. Like Gaia and Ouranos the sea is the god Pontus.
After that Chaos created the underworld. This place is always hidden from the light. It was called Tartarus, the pit of darkness. Tartarus was also a god.
Like this many gods formed. (I’m not going to list out all the gods.)
Chaos and Tartarus had a child together . (both Chaos and Tartarus are male by the way.) Called Nyx. Who was the embodiment of Night. Nyx had a daughter by herself called Hemera, who was the ‘’Day”.
Talking about babies Gaia and Ouranos also started having babies. First they had six sons and six daughters. Those babies are called Titans.

After that, they had another batch of babies, who happened to be triplets. Those triplets were different from the Titans. They were strong and big as titans but they only had one eye on the center of their forehead. The most recognizable difference was that they were uglier than Titans. Those babies were called Elder Cyclops.
After seeing his newborn triplets Ouranos was disgusted. He bound up the Cyclops babies with chains which were made from the night sky’s pure darkness and tossed them into Tartarus.
Gaia had another set of triplets with Ouranos . These babies were much worse then the Cyclops.These babies had hundred arms. She called them the Hundred-Handed ones. Again Ouranos was disgusted, he wrapped them in chains and threw them into Tartarus.
Because of Ouranoses behavior Gaia got frustrated and made the ground rumble. She summoned the hardest substance she could find and made the first ever weapon that was created, she called it the “scythe”.
She summoned her children and brainwashed them to kill her father…
….To be continued….
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