Black Clover is one of the most popular anime worldwide created by Yūki Tabata. This anime is a very unique one. Especially that this anime aired continuously since 2017 except because of the covid virus and lockdowns they can’t come to work to make the anime. And last month creators of Black Clover tweeted that they are going to cancel the series on the 30th of March and announce special news to the fans my guess will probably they will announce a movie.
The reason for this cancellation is that the anime is dangerously close to the source material and it would cause problems. But, this is a good thing now they have time to make a proper ending despite continuing without the source material. I have seen much anime that didn’t go well without a source material to rely on. So, in this case, this a good way to save the anime. It means that anime will end without a proper ending in the middle of the ongoing Spade Arc. If this anime was a seasonal one it will be a long time to end it and creators would have the time to develop the story.
My guess is that creators will make a new Black Clover series like Naruto and Full metal. But, this is just my opinion because I really don’t want it to end. But, also some say that anime will continue in 1 or 2 years